Warm greetings!!
I have been quite busy with my little one. Yes, I have been blessed with a baby girl after a wait of more than 3.5 years and she is 3 months old today, by the pure grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please keep her (Janice) in your prayers.
“Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.“ 1 Peter 1: 22
As I read this verse, this morning, I was carried away in my own thoughts as to how I can love from the depth of my heart. Is it even possible? Peter once behaved as an unfaithful one to Jesus to whom he was so close for about 3.5 years, when he denied Jesus to the core. He even cursed him as he was scared for his own life, and now it is quite funny to hear about deep love from such a person, by the way. J
After my baby girl was born, to be honest, I could not say if I really loved her. Because my mind was completely occupied by recovery, long days and nights, sleep deprivation, etc,… While others came to visit her, they used to see how she looked, but I always tested her vision and hearing. I would check if any sound startled her and if she was following the objects. But only after I came out of my own so called depression and examination mode, I could really observe all that she did. Her tiny fingers, warm smiles, blinking eyes and what not!! They all do magic and that was when I really started loving her. Now even if she keeps me awake all night, I am not getting frustrated like I used to be. I would say that the perfect love between the mother and her baby is selfless and is really possible.
But as humans, is it possible to extend the same love to others, especially in this wicked world?
The same verse gives us the answer to this question. YES, IT IS POSSIBLE. But how? By obeying the truth and purifying ourselves from anything that stops us from loving wholeheartedly.
Mrs. Graham Stains forgave those who killed her husband and her two little sons. As a mother how could she do it to the ones who killed them? It is not her, but the love of God she had in her heart that paved the way for forgiving the killers who really didn’t deserve it otherwise. And if a mother can forgive the killers of her sons, then, obviously through God’s love, we can also love others from our heart! And YES IT IS POSSIBLE.
Only God’s love can cleanse us of all our filthy thoughts, and take away all the depressants, and give us a new light to love others.
Love is contagious!! Let us share it while we still have the time to create a positive impact in this world!!! The modern world desperately needs it today!
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