Warm greetings!! I have been quite busy with my little one. Yes, I have been blessed with a baby girl after a wait of more than 3.5 years and she is 3 months old today, by the pure grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please keep her (Janice) in your prayers. “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.“ 1 Peter 1: 22 As I read this verse, this morning, I was carried away in my own thoughts as to how I can love from the depth of my heart. Is it even possible? Peter once behaved as an unfaithful one to Jesus to whom he was so close for about 3.5 years, when he denied Jesus to the core. He even cursed him as he was scared for his own life, and now it is quite funny to hear about deep love from such a person, by the way. J After my baby girl was born, to be honest, I could not say if I really loved her. Because my mind was completely occupied by recovery, long days and nights
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