Eagerly desire the greater gifts. 1 Corinthians 12 : 13 Good morning. A young lady was so surprised to hear from her friends that they're visiting her. She went to many shops and bought many things to cook for her friends. She cooked taking much of her time and was satisfied with the items she prepared. When the door was knocked she was more happy than she was before. At lunch time, she invited her friends to eat, but when they said, "Hey, sorry, we already had lot stomach full of food just before we started to your house and we don't have any idea to eat now. Just give us fruit juice." This lady was so depressed on hearing this. Her entire day's effort has gone vain. Friends, the same happens when we go to pray to the Lord. Our God holds everything we need in surplus, but we are very foolish to ask silly things from Him. We don't know the values of the spiritual gifts He has in store for us, instead we cling on to what we want in our lives. When we seek
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